How to listen to your intuition

How to listen to your intuition

Intuition… Do you have difficulty distinguishing between your head and your intuition? Following Intuition is like following and listening to Pinocchio’s talking cricket. It is like listening to your consciousness, it is like listening to that voice that...
How to find your tribe

How to find your tribe

Today we talk about the importance of finding your tribe, your community. If you feel lonely, if you feel that no one understands you and you no longer find yourself with your lifelong friends, it is time to go out and find new friendships, because there is a whole...
Understanding and managing fear

Understanding and managing fear

Fear, how to overcome it. Let’s start with the good news. Fear can be overcome.  The bad news is that unfortunately fear will never go away, because it is linked to the survival instinct. It is a reaction of the nervous system to uncertainty. Without fear we...