by Daniela Russo | Jul 14, 2019 | Blog, Emotions
It happens, we get jealous. In the times of social media is very difficult not to be jealous, how many likes, followers other people have … there will always be people who have bigger numbers or more than us. Feelings of jealousy can be mixed up with love, anger, fear...
by Daniela Russo | Jun 14, 2019 | Blog, Self-esteem confidence
What is confidence for you? Confidence is about feeling comfortable with yourself, loving yourself, accepting yourself the way you are. Confidence is this inner conviction to believe that you can direct your life the way you want to, you are not a victim of...
by Daniela Russo | May 15, 2019 | Blog, Emotions
How would you define sadness? Sadness is a response to loss, and feeling sad allows us to take a timeout and show others that we need support. We can explain sadness and in general emotions in few steps. Pre-condition: the context or situations which may have an...